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Sharing Ideas Through Networking: A Report

2nd Linkedin Local Executive Event in Guwahati

26th September 2020

Guwahati: The 2nd executive event of Linkedin Local Guwahati, which aimed to share ideas and connect with people physically, took place on 9th November 2019 at Awesome Palace, Guwahati. The event gave all the attendees a chance to network with like-minded individuals by introducing themselves professionally. It also brought some experience of an engaging panel on Start-up Scenario in North East Compared to Pan India.

The city host Mr. Syed Mohsin Raja welcomed the guests, the panelists, and the attendees with a brief introduction on LinkedinLocal Guwahati. Like the previous event, he started the event with the activity that Linkedin Local aims at: connecting people face to face apart from connecting virtually. To achieve that aim, with the help of the 'find nearby' feature that the Linkedin app provides, he helped everyone in the hall to connect through Linkedin.

Next, the co-host, Mr. S. Hussain, shared some data about Linkedin. He mentioned that there are 4 million LinkedIn users in North-East India, an important stat for the north-eastern community. He further shared the vision of Linkedin Local Guwahati: to connect with NE India in the 1st step and with South Asia in the 2nd. He also cited an example from the book "Die Empty" to emphasize the importance of networking; how it helps in shared ideas.

Nurul Laskar PR Guwahati Assam

The panel discussion on the topic "Start-up scenarios in North-East India compared to Pan-India" took off after the felicitation of the guests and the panelists. For the panel discussion, the guests were Mr. Nurul Laskar, Founder, Stars of North East and Mr. Kamruddin Ahmed, Ex-Director, Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship; with panelists Mr. Rajeev Saikia, MD of RD Grow Green India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Dilip Kumar Borah, Ex Techno-Commercial Head, Jamal Al Ghurair of Companies, Dubai, Mr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan, Chief Manager, BCPL Dibrugarh, and Mr. S. Daas, Co-founder of NK Das Foundation.

Rajeev Saikia ERD

While sharing his journey as an entrepreneur in North East, Mr. Rajeev Saikia, who also moderated the discussion, shared his 'concept to sell' and 'belief in the land' theory. "In North East, we are differently-abled entrepreneurship wise"; Mr. Dilip Kumar Bora added, emphasizing the fact that StartupVision 2024 should go to people, percolate from bottom to top. "There are many people in the entire North East, who have great ideas but no plan”, he further pointed out, emphasizing the importance of implementing policies at the grassroots level. Mr. Pranjal Kalita spoke on the government policies that lack in incorporating the needs of entrepreneurship, lack of skilled resources, communication, and transport problems that the sector faces.

Guest Mr. Laskar spoke on the importance of public relations and soft skills required for effective networking. In the end, the moderator presented some relevant questions to the panelists to make it engaging for the audience.

The house was then made open for the open networking session where the attendees connected with one another while enjoying evening tea and snacks.

An interactive fun game was also played, that boosted the youthfulness among the attendees of this professional networking event in Guwahati Assam, as well as giving them a chance to connect informally in a light-hearted manner.

The event ended with a vote of thanks by the host.



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