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Networking Helps Us Foster and Grow: A Report

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

25 September, 2020

Guwahati: Where Connections foster and Impact: this was the tagline that formed the base for the first ever LinkedIn Local event to take place in North-East India. The networking event that took place on the 13th of July, 2019 at the Awesome Palace in Guwahati, Assam united around 40 people who belonged to different sectors. This event's solitary purpose was to provide these individuals with an insightful and alluring seminar on networking and connecting with each other.

Mr. Syed Mohsin Raja, the City-host of LinkedIn Local Guwahati started by welcoming all the attendees to the event. He organised an activity where he connected all the attendees to each other on the LinkedIn App. Thereafter, he expressed his thoughts on how important it is to connect with people around us offline, rather than just connecting on social media which presents us with limited experiences. He further went along to recall the famous story of the handsome hunter, Narcissus from Greek mythology who got so immersed in his beauty and vanity that it eventually led him to his death. Mr. Raja drew a clear analogy between Narcissus and us, modern day humans, who seek the same perfection in social media imagery.

Although we might have a lot of friends on our social media platforms, we aren't really connected to them. He made the attendees ponder upon that. "We are just merely connected to some faces that we like to see. They are the perception that we have in our mind" , he further commented.

The mic was then handed over to the then co-host, Mr. S. Hussain who gave the attendees an insight on the world's largest professional networking platform, i.e. LinkedIn and the millions of opportunities that it offers. He then requested all the attendees to introduce themselves and their line of work.

The stage was passed to the panel moderator, Mr. Sanjay Kedia who is a corporate trainer. He introduced the panellists that included Mr. Parag Phukan, Director of Guwahati Management Association and Mr. Kalyanjit Hatibaruah, MD and CEO of Fugelsoft Group of Companies. The panel discussion was based around the topic "Essence of Networking".

Mr. Phukan, came forward with a presentation focusing on the term networking, its types and how networking helps different groups of people at different times.

"Essence of networking is when you know someone, like them and trust them...that's the most important thing", he further added.

Emphasizing on the power of networking as an important tool, Mr. Phukan quoted that "Success in business or person is about whom you know more than what you know. What is your net worth depends on your network".

Concluding his presentation, Mr. Phukan handed over the mic to the second panellist Mr. Hatibaruah, who talked about networking tools and apps that offer in expanding our horizons through networking. He also advised to connect with the people one travels with.

Thereafter, the house was thrown open for discussions and a quick Q&A round where discussions on open networking entailed. Post the Q&A session, a fascinating game was played to connect all the attendees in a playful way.

In the meantime, Mr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan, Chief Manager, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited, the third panellist who got caught up in a last minute flight delay joined the event and shared with the house a few words on networking.

“Networking is the only medium, we can say, by which this civilisation can exist”, Mr. Pranjal commented.

The wonderful evening concluded with a corporate game conducted by Mr. Kedia, followed by refreshments and a beautiful musical performance by Jesu Neelkamal Borah & his team of LinkedIn Local Guwahati and a vote of thanks by the host, Syed Mohsin Raja.



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